Bitcoins are the new digital currency. To not get too technical, we will only go over the basics of the whole bitcoin system.
What are bitcoins?
Bitcoins are just like dollar bills and coins. It is money. This type of money physically can't be seen. Bitcoins are used all over the world to pay for goods and services. In fact, many websites and companies now accept bitcoins as a form of payment. As of right now, 11/7/2016, the worth of one bitcoin is estimated to be around $711 U.S dollars. Pretty neat huh? There are many ways to obtain a bitcoin. Some websites pay you portions of a bitcoin for completing tasks. While these are not my favorite, they are a good way to earn them. There are many other ways to obtaining bitcoins. Some of these ways include:
Bitcoin gambling and casinos (not suitable for everyone)
Purchasing them
Offering jobs/services
Bitcoin faucets
Let's skip all the hard work for now.
Bitcoin Faucets
Using faucets is the easiest way to getting bitcoins. Faucets are basically websites that give out free bitcoins ranging from every couple of minutes to hours. Each faucet has a different timing. Some take longer than others. They all have a different pay.
Here is the list of my favorite faucets that I still use up to this day.
Moonbit-This one lets you claim every five minutes and is one of my favorites as well.
Freebitcoin-My all time favorite faucet. It lets you claim every hour and has a game you can play to multiply your bitcoins.
PrimeDice- This one is basically a gambling site. The faucet gives you free bitcoins so you can start playing right away.
PocketDice-Another gambling site that gives you free bitcoins to gamble for free.
Bitcoin Aliens- A simple faucet that lets you claim every 5 minutes for killing aliens.
The amounts claimed can stack up little by little. It all depends on how much effort you put into it.
Free Bitcoins- Final Words
The cool part about this is that you can later invest the bitcoins you've earned and make more of these but that's another subject. I will cover this later on. And yes, these are my referral links and I will get a tiny commission for every referral. I'd rather be honest but if you feel as if this article was helpful, I would gladly appreciate if you signed up with my referral link.
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Free Roms Links Here are Links to free roms from nintendo 64 to the ps1. They also have emulators that you can download directly to your pc, phone or hacked console. Only for hacked systems.
Hey guys!! It's been quite a long time since I haven't posted anything. I just wanted to let you guys know i found this awesome website that teaches you how to play the piano for free! Free piano lessons and they're very easy to understand. Here is the link to this website CLICK HERE
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Hello people. I have been thinking about changing the theme of this blog which is all about freebies but for it to also focus on money saving ideas and ways to economize better,and providing links to cool sites,random ideas and other topics that will be of your interest. Freebies are great but what is even better is saving money.I want this blog to be a complete blog that you guys will visit more often, not only when you're in search of free stuff but also because it is entertaining.
This is why... I need your help!!!I want to add more stuff to this blog.I have some ideas in mind but I want to satisfy you guys.What do you think will make this blog more interesting,what do you want me to provide you guys with ? for example cheat codes to video games,passwords,hacking videos. i don't know .It's all up to you guys(to whomever is reading this) Please comment this blog or email me at and i promise that I'll consider every suggestion given.
Hello people I'm back again. I will be blogging again several times per every week and will have you guys informed on free stuff and how to make free money off the internet. Yeah that's right. Free money! I finally found some ways after so much effort and so much research done.I think this will be one of the most interesting topics because who doesn't like the idea of making free money out of nothing ?
I'm so glad to say that I've actually made money from scractch.Yes from scratch and junk.So if you like the idea of making free money, stay tuned and watch out for those emails because i will be sending emails to my subscribers with free info and I will continue blogging more often from now on !
p.s (If you still haven't signed up for the email newsletter you should, specially if you're new at my blog)
I just found this website that lets you play free fps shooter games without having to download anything and without having to sign up. It's pretty cool. Check it out ! I got instantly hooked with one of the games . I hope you enjoy this site as much as I did
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EasyHits4U is a free popular traffic exchange program that allows you to promote your own website,referral/affiliate programs too and even use text and banner ads to do so. EasyHits 4U is very easy to use and yet a very effective way of getting traffic to your website.For every website you visit you get one visitor to visit back your website.The best part is that there's no limit to how many visitors you can get to your site.
EasyHits4U is different from other traffic exchange programs because this is one of the fastest growing programs and every day it's becoming more and more popular.Not only can you get "traffic" to your website and improve your search engine rankings on both google and alexa but you can also:
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You might be thinking it's quite impossible to get free Xbox points,accessories and even video games for free. No one gives out these kind of stuff for free right ? And if they do , they always ask you for something in exchange like to pay a one time fee, give out your credit card , your phone number and it's never really free. There's actually ONE site that actually lets you get free Xbox points,accessories,video games and anything related to Xbox gaming systems at no cost.
Probably you think that again, this is another one of those scams but it's not.This website that I'm about to tell you about is 100% free,legit and legal.Many Xbox gamers have already gotten lots of free stuff through this website called POINTS2SHOP.
What is POINTS2SHOP ? POINTS2SHOP is a get to paid website in which you can play games,participate in the daily lottery,complete free offers and surveys and even GET PAID for referring other members. Whenever you complete an offer you get rewarded for points. Each 100 points is $1.And 200 points would be $2. Each offer pays out about 50points which equal 50 cents.Some pay up to 200 points or even more. POINTS2SHOP always has new,free and simple offers and surveys for you to complete so you can be making points EVERY SINGLE DAY.
They also have 10 games which you can choose from in which you compete against other members and whoever wins gets rewarded points. The 10 games are
Madpet Madfrog
Pods Extreme
Jungle Tower 2
Shooting Gallery
Word Maker
Oink Bunk
TriPeaks Solitaire
Springo Bingo
and the Daily number Limbo
These games are free to play but of course the member who loses will give out his points to the other member, so if you're not in the mood of completing offers, you can play games and win some points for having fun.
From Where or How Do I get My Xbox Gaming Gear ?
Once you have enough points to get what you want, you can get your Xbox gaming gear either from Amazon,Ebay and other site vendors because the points you earn through POINTS2SHOP can be used to buy from them.
Do I Need a Credit Card or What Do I Need to Sign Up?
Points2shop is partnered with these site vendors, so don't worry you won't need a credit, nor a phone number. All they ask you for is your address,your name,and your DOB (date of birth since you must be at least 12 years old to join). Why do they ask you for your address? They ask you for your address so when you redeem your prize they send it to your address, so make sure to put a real address and not a fake one.
Make Money by Referring NEW Members You can also make MONEY by referring other members to this site.The picture below shows exactly how referring new members works.You refer new users to POINTS2SHOP,they complete their profile,they complete an offer and you get paid up to $1 for every referral. That's pretty good money because if you were to refer 15 members you can get paid up to $15 or even more
When and how do you get your Xbox Gaming Gear? Let's say you wanted an Xbox Chat Headset w/ Microphone For Xbox 360 Video games that costs 152 points and you have enough points for getting it. All you do is purchase the reward with you points and wait about a day until Points2Shop approves it. It needs to get approved before it gets shipped because some members break Points2Shop rules and they complete some offers more than once and in some cases they have two Points2Shop accounts, but don't worry, most orders get approved.
Is this site legal? You bet it is! You won't get in trouble for using Points2shop because the advertising companies pay Points2Shop when you complete an offer and Points2shop pays you in points which you can later redeem for prizes such as Xbox Gaming Gear or anything you want.
And Now... Some Proof.... Here are some pictures of prizes members have redeemed through Points2Shop
Of course,members have gotten much more than this, I wouldn't finish putting up all the pics of all the prizes members have redeemed using Points2shop . If you want to sign up simply click the sign up button below.
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