How to get free stuff by searching the web.That's right,I recently found a website that lets you get free prizes just by searching the web.It's called Swagbucks,how does it work?Very simple, all you do is search the web like you normally do on google or other search engines but this time you do your searches using Swagbucks and you'll be awarded points randomly (Swagpoints).Besides from just searching the web there are many other ways you can earn your swagbucks like by:
- Completing trusted surveys
- Voting in the Daily Polls
- Sending in prize photos and videos
- Watching Videos
- Inviting friends to join,referring others
- Completing special offers
- Finding Swag Codes
- Trading in cell phones and video games
There's many prizes from sports trading cards,apparel and jewelry to video game systems and even much more.This site is 100% free and is not a scam and you don't need a credit card or bank account just your email adress,primary adress (so they can send you your prize) and your full name.If you want to get started on earning your free stuff simply click HERE to sign up.